30 05 2015



Flavovir® is a direct anti-viral drug for prevention and treatment of influenza and other ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) in children since birth. During preclinical and clinical studies the inhibitory activity of the drug against influenza viruses and ARVI, as well as herpes viruses has been revealed. Flavovir® syrup acts at all stages of the development of acute respiratory viral infections. Thus, Flavovir® syrup acts at all stages of the development of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections). Flavonoids, the compounds of the drug inhibit directly the replication of viruses in the cells, reduce viral load. Thus, Flavovir® affects the cause of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) and influenza, prevents the development of infection, facilitates the course of the disease and accelerates recovery. The direct antiviral effect is enhanced by the other effects as – immune corrective action, the antioxidant and apoptosis modulating actions. Flavovir® is produced in the form of syrup, prescribed only twice a day and has a convenient dispensing device which facilitates the treatment of the child.